Ssangyong Motor

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Title Ssangyong Launches New Actyon in China
Date 2014-03-07

Ssangyong Motor introduced the New Actyon in Chinese market as part of efforts to expand its presence in one of the world’s largest car markets.

The company held a launch event of the New Actyon jointly with its local distributor Pang Da Automobile Trade co., Ltd. at Jingyuan Art Center in Beijing, China on March 7, followed by a test-drive event for media at a motor park on March 8.

The New Actyon is reborn with new design based on Korando brand family look and traditional SUV coupe styling.

Ssangyong said that the company set a sales goal of 15,000 units in China this year by expanding its sales led by the New Actyon and New Korando C(local name: Korando) which has overwhelming responses from the Chinese customers since its debut last year.



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