Ssangyong Motor

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Title Ssangyong Motor introduces gasoline-powered Korando C in China
Date 2012-11-16

▪ Ssangyong Motor host’s the launch and media test drive event in Zhangjiajie and it is official
  that the model will be available throughout China starting from November 19th 2012.
▪ Ssangyong considers this launch as a further expansion of sales in China, where the SUV
  market is growing 54 percent annually with a high demand for gasoline-powered vehicles.
▪ The company will enhance its sales network by increasing the dealerships from 80 to 150
  by the end of next year.

Ssangyong Motor (President & CEO Lee Yoo-il;, which is part of the $15.9 billion dollar Mahindra Group announced on November 16th that the company will host a launch and media test-drive event for gasoline powered Korando C and will start selling the vehicle in China from November 19th.

The launch event was held at the Sunshine Hotel in Zhangjiajie, China on November 15th. Estimated 200 people participated in the event and among the participant’s Senior Executive Director Suk-Ho Lim the Head of Overseas Sales H.Q. from Ssangyong Motor Company, Seong-Rae Kim Representative of Ssangyong Chinese Subsidiary and President Pang Qinghua of Pang Da Automobile Trade Co., Ltd.

In addition, the media test drive event was available for 100 press journalist and reporters, taking them on a journey of 60-kilometer route from the entrance of Tianmen Mountain to Tongtian Avenue and back.
The media highly appraised that the new gasoline model has a powerful running performance and expect to become a big success in the Chinese auto market.

The newly introduced gasoline version of the Korando C is equipped with an e-XGi 2.0-litre engine, with a maximum output of 149hp and maximum torque of 20.1kg•m. This engine gives a powerful acceleration and but yet a smooth quiet ride. This model was first introduced to the public at the Paris Motor Show 2012.

In China, where the SUV market is growing rapidly at an annual rate of 54 percent (from 2008 to 2011) with increasing numbers of consumers who prefers compact SUV’s.  Based on the high demand of gasoline powered vehicles in the Chinese auto market, Ssangyong expects that the sales will increase by launching the gasoline powered Korando C with strategic and diverse marketing activities to promote the Classy European design with powerful 4WD performance and superb handling.

Furthermore, on June 2011 Ssangyong Motor signed a contract with Pang Da Automobile Trade Co., Ltd, the largest auto importer and distributor in China and introduced the diesel-powered Korando C in Sept 2011. Ssangyong and Pang Da have made all out effort to foster the sales in Chinese market, introducing a local version of the Chairman W at the Beijing Motor Show held in April of this year.

2013 Ssangyong’s strategic sales target in China is over 10,000 vehicles, which includes sales of the gasoline-powered Korando C. The company will enhance its sales capability and expand the opportunities to serve customers by increasing its dealerships from 80 to 150 by the end of next year. The company also plans to increase its market share of sales in China from 7% to 20% by next year. 

Suk-Ho Lim, Senior Executive Director of Ssangyong, quoted, “The company reinforced its lineup in China by launching the gasoline-powered Korando C. We will make an all-out effort to achieve our mid- and long-term strategic targets based on sales increases in China, which is one of the largest auto industries in the world.”


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