Ssangyong Motor

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Title Ssangyong Motor’s domestic and export sales recorded 9,756 vehicles in July
Date 2013-10-30

▪ Ssangyong Motor sold a total of 9,756 vehicles in July- 4,164 in domestic sales and 5,592 in
▪ Domestic Sales increased by 18.8% compared to the same period last year on the back of robust
  sales of the refreshed models.
▪ Ssangyong Motor will expand global sales based on newly launched model lineups such as the
  Rodius Euro.

Ssangyong Motor (President & CEO Lee Yoo-il;, part of the US$15.4 billion Mahindra Group, announced on Aug 1, 2012 that the company sold a total sales of 9,756 vehicles in July 2012 – 4,164 in  domestic sales and 5,592 in exports including CKD, respectively.

Domestic sales increased by a 18.8 percent to 4,164 vehicles compared to the same period last year thanks to robust sales of the refreshed models including the Rexton W.

Above all, the Korando C and the Rexton W led the sales momentum. The sales of the Korando C stood at 1,461 vehicles with a 12.1 percent increase compared to the previous month while those of the Rexton W stood at 701 vehicles with a 8.5 percent increase.

Export stood at 5,592 vehicles with a 6.9 percent decrease compared to the previous month (sales of 6,005 vehicles) due to depressed global automotive market such as Euro-wide recession.

However, the company points out that the export sales volume will recover once the shipment of newly launched Rodius Euro starts in earnest in August.

Especially, the Korando Sports and Korando C are leading the sales momentum which amounted to a 70 percent of total sales.

Lee Yoo-il, CEO of Ssangyong Motor, commented, “The refreshed models maintain good sales performance in market despite the global economic downturn. We will expand global sales through newly launched refreshed models such as the Rexton W and Rodius Euro.

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