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Title Ssangyong Korando wins The Northern European race in extreme cold weather
Date 2012-01-20

▪ Competing with 60 more than teams in the ScanCovery Trial held in the Netherlands
▪ Finished the 7,000 km course, under rigorous conditions, from the North Pole to the Netherlands, displaying durability and sheer quality
▪ Racers praise Korando for its comfort and agility, quote “It is perfect”


CUV(Classy Utility Vehicle) Korando of Ssangyong Motor(President & CEO Lee Yoo-il;, wins the first place in the ScanCovery Trial 2012, held in the Netherlands, competing with other major carmakers.

The Voorthuizen Team of Ssangyong Benelux, which is Ssangyong Motor’s distributor in the Netherlands, showcased the Korando’s superb quality, along with its durability, once again by pushing aside more than 60 competitors from makers likes Benz, Volvo, Hyundai, and Kia to win the race.

The ScanCovery Trial is an annual event which was established in 2011. It is a new type of motorsport where competitors race on ordinary roads by observing the local driving regulations throughout the Scandinavian Peninsula between the North Pole and the Netherlands. Participating vehicle must require a high level of durability and quality to withstand the rigorous conditions of the 7,000-plus km event section covered with snow and ice in extreme cold weather (40 degrees below zero).

Many teams gave up during the race due to extremely unfavorable conditions and accumulation of fatigue, but Ssangyong’s Voorthuizen Team completed the race without a single problem or incident.

The race stresses the importance of observing local driving regulation. Each traffic violation accumulates a specific penalty point. The Ssangyong Team scored 136 points, which was much lower than its competitors.

After the event, the racers in the Voorthuizen Team spoke highly of the Korando , saying that it was a perfect car and displayed high levels of comfort and agility. They have also added that they did not have experienced a single problem while driving the car in spite of the extreme cold weather.

Quoting on the event by Mr. Feike van den Oever, General Manager of Ssangyong Benelux, said, “I’m very happy to see that the superb quality of Ssangyong car was recognized through this event.”


The Voorthuizen Team of Ssangyong Benelux


The Korando performing on snowy road
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