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Title Ssangyong Motor Company Hosts a Test Drive Event of Korando for Foreign Journalists
Date 2010-12-30
▪ Some 200 foreign journalists are invited to attend the test drive session in Spain
▪ Korando received such favorable comments excellent ride, NVH and roomy interior
▪ All-out marketing activities for the new vehicle are planned for each major market including press events and participation in motor shows.
▪ Higher share in the Global SUV market including Europe with a stronger brand
Ssangyong Motor Company ( took actions to boom up public attention to its new strategic model Korando before its full-fledged launch in the global market.
Ssangyong Motor Company hosted a test drive event from September 20th to 24th in Spain to prepare for the successful launch of Korando in the overseas market. Some 200 journalists and dealers from various countries were invited to test drive the new CUV.
The venue for the event was Palma de Mallorca, an internationally renowned resort in Eastern Spain. Some 120 foreign journalists from 19 major countries including France, Germany, the U.K., Italy, Spain, Russia, and South Africa as well as 80 dealers participated in the test drive showing high interest in the new Korando .
The test drive was designed to experience the comfortable and excellent driving performance of Korando comprising of various courses including the mountainous roads in Soller region, one of the most famous resorts in Europe, and the coastal roads in Deia and Valldemosa, both of which are known as the most favored driving attractions in the globe.
"Foreign journalists were impressed by Korando?s excellent ride and NVH along with various safety features and roomy interior. They evaluated this new CUV as the optimum alternative for practical customers," said the person-in-charge of  SYMC.
T he test drive event took place just before the global launch of Korando, SYMC's strategic Global model, and was designed to provide foreign journalists and overseas dealers with introduction of the new vehicle and opportunity to test drive it while creating a boom up for the new vehicle launch by supporting press meetings of dealers and journalists.
Ssangyong Motor Company also revealed its plan for preemptive marketing activities such as press launching events in major European countries that will start next month and participation in motor shows in Latin American countries such as Brazil, Chile and Columbia.
"Korando is the longest brand in Korea that has led the popularization of SUV. It has now outgrown the boundaries of Korean market and been reborn as the world's top class eco-friendly compact SUV. Korando is now challenging the global market,"said Lee Yoo-il, one of the Legal trustees"As sales activities of Korando in overseas market are kicked in high gear, our sales volume will continue to increase," he added.


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