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Title Ssangyong Motor Company's Korando Headed for Overseas Market as the First Shipment Began in Pyeongtaek Port
Date 2010-11-29
▪After holding a commemoration ceremony for the first Korando to be exported, 450 export vehicles were loaded.
▪ Some 10,000 units of Korando are to be exported by the end of this year, which is a great step forward in attacking the global market.
▪ SYMC plans to host large-scaled press events in time for launching schedules for overseas markets where journalist will have opportunities to test drive the new SUV.
▪ The export of Korando, a Global strategic model, is expected to increase export sales and ultimately to lay a ground for advancing management normalization.
Ssangyong Motor Company ( announced that the company began exporting Korando, an environmentally-friendly CUV (Compact Utility Vehicle) it had developed as a global strategic model as it held a shipment ceremony.
Lee Yoo-il and Park Young-tae, co-legal trustees, Kim Kyu-han, the convener of the labor union, and some 100 executives and staff members of the company attended the shipment ceremony that was held at the International Automobile Dock in Pyeongtaek Port and celebrated the shipment of the first Korando to be exported.
The first shipment of Korando is about 450 units, and their destinations are Tarragona Port in Spain and Antwerp in Belgium to be exported to various countries in Europe.
Ssangyong Motor Company plans to export some 10,000 units of Korando by the end of this year, and they will be sold to global customers through 1,200 dealer network throughout the world.
Korando is known to have reflected the latest trend of the automobile industry that translates into environmental concerns and energy efficiency, and the export of this vehicle will create demands in emerging markets in Russia and Latin America while expanding export to leading markets such as Europe.
Korando was first unveiled to overseas distributors at the "Global Distributors Conference" that took place last April with some 80 distributors from 40 countries, and the review from overseas dealers who took place in the test drive was highly favorable.
In time for the launch of Korando in the overseas market, there will be a large-scaled test drive event for the international press in Europe.
Since last June, all workers of Korando line have returned to their position, and programs for securing maximum quality have been introduced. Exclusive auto-managers have been selected, and there were 4 rounds of special training sessions where foreign maintenance experts were invited for special training.
"Korando is a strategic global model for us that will provide a new milestone in our long-term strategy for strengthening product line-up and will act as the locomotive of business normalization," said Lee Yoo-il, a Legal trustee of Ssangyong. "As our new Korando takes a stride toward overseas market, our share in the global SUV market, including Europe, will be significantly increased," he added
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