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Title 2009 Convention for Overseas Sales Division.
Date 2010-11-29

The Overseas Sales Division hosted a convention on March 13 (fri.), where it resolved on achieving the export sales target set for this year.

It was decided during the convention that recovering credibility in the global market was the foremost assignment for the company and thad tha export target should be achieved by expanding existing markets and exploring new ones.

For the existing markets, where Ssangyong vehicles are present, visits will be made to find ways to increase sales volume. It will also be considered to look for prospective dealers elsewhere. Quarterly action plans, including successful product development and increase of market share by aggressive market penetration, were detailed out during the convention to generate comprehensive strategies.

Lee Yoo Il, legal trustee, reemphasized to all staff members working for the division the importance of ▶building credibility with overseas dealers ▶pre-consulting with the legal trustee when visiting overseas dealers ▶close analysis of respective markets and augmentation of marketing activities ▶restructuring of reporting channels when problems arise as well as the need for expedite decision-making.


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