Ssangyong Motor

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Title SYMC Re-engineers Promotional Activities to Boost Sales.
Date 2009-04-08

▪"New Ssangyong, New Start" program now in full gear to boost sales and to improve customer satisfaction.
▪It will focus on launching new models with higher quality standards, improving brand image and stronger promotional activities to increase sales.
▪SYMC, committed to pay back to customers with best quality products and service and to lay ground to restore credibility in the market.

Ssangyong Motor Company (, after having started its production lines in August 13th (Thu.) and deciding on the operational direction for the second half of the year to boost sales and customer satisfaction, has entered into full gear with the "New Start" program.

Since it is vital to establish a system for maximum production and sales in order to revive the company, all employees are ready to put in their utmost efforts to sell more vehicles.

The “New Start" program symbolizes the company’s strong commitment to restart and to compensate for all the discomfort the customers had to experience. Realizing that customers are the true foundation and source of the company’s revival, the company explains that the new campaign will offer a clear message on delivering high quality products.

To meet this goal, core operational directions are adopted to focus on ▲proceeding with the new model year launch that has been delayed by thestrike. ▲Improving the image of SYMC as well as our brands through stronger communication with customers and ▲more active promotional activities and doubling our sales forces to boost our sales.

In addition, the New Ssangyong New Start program will be tri-folded into after-sales, marketing and sales activities as following: ▲Stronger after-sales services that ensures higher satisfaction by existing owners as well as new buyers and multi-faceted communication on the New Start campaign ▲various promotional activities in the field as well as doubling the sales forces to find more new customers and ▲restructuring the sales fundamentals.

Lee Yoo-il, SYMC’s legal trustee, says, "What is the most important at this point is to deliver the best quality vehicles and service to our customers who have patiently waited until now for us to restart our production and thereby regaining credibility in the market." "The program will help us to achieve this goal by boosting our sales and service activities, and hopefully it will lay a foundation for the company’s business normalization in the future," he added.

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