Ssangyong Motor

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Title SsangYong Motor to Hold Wine Tasting Event as the 1st of Various Chairman W Cultural Events
Date 2008-10-16

- Invited 50 Chairman W customers to a wine tasting event
- Holding 17 cultural events for around 700 Chairman W customers throughout the rest of the year, including a beauty, flower, diamond and opera class
- Enhancing customer satisfaction by holding events that incorporate the unique tastes and needs of VIP customers

SsangYong Motor (; CEO and President Hyung-Tak Choi)announced on October 16 that it held a wine tasting event for Chairman W customers.

The event was held from 7pm to 10pm on Wednesday, October 15 at a wine restaurant (Walking Slowly) located in Cheongdam-dong. A total of 50 Chairman W customers were invited to this event, which consisted of a sampling of a wide array of wines, ranging from well known wines to rare wine products that are not available in Korea, as well as an introduction to the origin and characteristics of wines and various dishes that pair well with wine.

Beginning with this wine tasting event, SsangYong Motor plans to hold various cultural events for customers of the Chairman W throughout the rest of the year. The various events that have been planned to meet the specific needs of customers include the “diamond class” jointly held with Tiffany & Co. on October 17; a beauty class held together with Sisley on October 30; an opera class at the CINE de CHEF, a movie theater for VIPs, on November 14; a flower class held at Soho & Noho, which is famous for flower decorations, on November 19.

After the event, Geun-Tak Kim, Managing Director of Marketing at SsangYong Motor said, “SsangYong Motor is holding a series of high-quality events for a selected number of VIP customers. Through these events, the company aims to offer a special experience as a token of appreciation to its customers. The company will make efforts to carefully listen to the opinions of each and every customer, making sure that our customers know SsangYong Motor places the highest priority on them.”


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