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Title SsangYong Motor holds the Seventh 'Beautiful Autumn Concert'
Date 2008-09-25

- Enjoyed a memorable time with around 1,200 invited customers from Daegu City
- Outstanding performances given by the New Philharmonia Orchestra as well as popular singers, including Big Mama and Yu-Jin Goh

SsangYong Motor (CEO and President Hyung-Tak Choi; held the Seventh “Beautiful Autumn Concert” at a large theater located within the Dong-gu Culture & Athletic Center in Daegu on September 24. SsangYong Motor is the first in the industry to implement such a program involved with holding performances in regional areas, aimed at quenching the thirst of customers in regional areas for cultural performances.

The autumn concert in 2007 was held in Busan (to which customers in the Busan and South Gyeongsang Province area were invited). This year’s concert consisted of sub-events, preliminary event, the main event (Beautiful Autumn Concert), and a farewell event. It gained much enthusiasm from customers. SsangYong Motor has been continually holding events, such as this one, to share a feeling of trust and affection. The company has been holding performances that enable participation by the whole family, specifically targeting customers in regional areas who have less opportunity to enjoy cultural performances and events compared to customers in metropolitan areas.

Sub-events included a “high-class zone,” where the “Chairman W” and “Real SUV Kyron” (two units) were exhibited, as well as a “thank you board,” which enabled customers to demonstrate their interest and support for SsangYong Motor. By preparing these sub-events, SsangYong Motor aimed to enhance the corporate image and strengthen customer loyalty. 

The main event featured outstanding performances by the New Philharmonia Orchestra, La Speranza (a “popera group” consisting of four men), and popular singers, such as Big Mama and Yu-Jin Goh. After the performances, SsangYong Motor presented customers with souvenirs and dealership employees in Daegu saw the customers off. The company aimed to strengthen ties with customers through sharing, thereby creating a “community of happiness.”

Geun-Tak Kim, Managing Director of Global Marketing at SsangYong Motor said, “This concert was a meaningful event in that it communicated the three important messages of love, happiness, and enjoyment, based on the theme 37.2°, which is referred to as the temperature of love and happiness. SsangYong Motor will contribute to the promotion of regional culture by continuously holding such events for a wide array of customers and advance into a company that places the highest priority on customer satisfaction.”


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