Ssangyong Motor

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Title SsangYong Motor's 'it Style Actyon' demonstrates its optimal level of economic efficiency through a fuel efficiency experience event
Date 2008-08-21

- All participants of the event, which was held for two days on Tuesday, August 19 and Wednesday, August 20, successfully drove the 1,000 kilometer course spanning across the nation after fueling only once
- The event widely publicized the performance of the “it Style Actyon,” which offers an optimal level of economic efficiency, against the backdrop of soaring oil prices
- Held an award ceremony for participants who recorded a high level of fuel efficiency

SsangYong Motor (CEO and President Hyung-tak Choi; demonstrated the high level of economic efficiency offered by the “it Style Actyon” through a fuel efficiency experience event, in which participants drove the vehicle for a distance of over 1,000 kilometers while fueling the vehicle only once. The “it Style Actyon” has proven itself to be a clear solution against soaring oil prices.

This event took place over two days from Tuesday, August 19 to Wednesday, August 20. Participants of the event fueled their vehicles only once at SsangYong Motor’s Pyeongtaek Headquarters before driving a distance of over 1,000 kilometers through Chungcheong Province, Gyeongsang Province, and Gangwon Province. Participants were presented with an opportunity to experience the outstanding level of economic efficiency offered by the “it Style Actyon.” All participants successfully drove the entire 1,000 kilometer course, without refueling the vehicle.

All participants of the event showed their satisfaction towards the outstanding level of fuel economy and performance featured by the “it Style Actyon” and the vehicle’s standard specifications that fully incorporate consumer needs. All ten teams that participated in the event drove around 1,000 kilometers at an average speed between 100km/h and 110km/h.
SsangYong Motor presented small gifts and a money prize to participants who recorded an outstanding level of fuel economy. Event participants Heon-yang Jeong (29) and Seong-baek Jo (26), who were chosen as the Fuel Efficiency King for recording a fuel efficiency level of 18.54km/ℓ, said, “We had doubts before participating in this event that we would be able to drive the vehicle for over 1,000 kilometers while fueling the vehicle only once. We were surprised after successfully doing so. We were able to experience the superb fuel economy level offered by the Actyon through this event.”

Managing Director Guen-tak Kim in charge of marketing at SsangYong Motor said, 'Customers who participated in this event were able to experience the vehicle's fuel efficiency, enabling them to drive around 1,000 kilometers while fueling only once. The 2009 models of SsangYong Motor, including the 'it Style Actyon', have been categorized as low-pollution vehicles, and therefore have been recognized for their environment-friendliness. These vehicles also feature powerful performance and outstanding fuel efficiency, thereby satisfying consumer needs to cut down costs."



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