Ssangyong Motor

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Title Demonstrate your passion through designing for the 'it Style Actyon' of SsangYong Motor!
Date 2008-08-11

- Holding a decal design competition for the “it Style Actyon” and giving out award money totaling 10 million won
- Anticipated to highlight the various unique characteristics of the “it Style Actyon” through creative and intuitive designs
- Winners will be announced in September after receiving works for around a month beginning Wednesday, August 13

SsangYong Motor (CEO and President Hyung-tak Choi; is holding the “decal design competition” for the 2009 “it Style Actyon”, a leader in the domestic small SUV market. The competition will present an opportunity for consumers to demonstrate their creativity and ingenuity.

Designs will be received starting from Wednesday, August 13. Customers who are interested in the event are requested to come up with a decal design for the front, side, rear, and front and side views of the “it Style Actyon” that are provided on the event website (, placing focus on incorporating the unique characteristics of the vehicle. Works will be received through the website until Friday, September 5.

Among the designs submitted, SsangYong Motor will initially choose several outstanding works. Afterwards, a total of five works will be chosen by a vote among internet users from Thursday, September 10 to Wednesday, September 17. The first-prize (Actyon Prize) winner will be presented with a money award of 3 million won, the second-prize (it Style Prize) winner a money award of 2 million won, the three third-prize (Club Prize) winners a money award of 1 million won each, and the ten remaining winners a money award of 200 thousand won each.

Managing Director Geun-tak Kim in charge of marketing at SsangYong Motor described marketing activities recently carried out by the company by saying, “After the launch of the 2009 models, we have initially focused on publicizing the products’ unique characteristics and benefits through a club launching party, a street parade, and sales on a home shopping channel. As part of the next step, we are holding such events as the 1,000 kilometer fuel efficiency experience event and decal design competition, so that consumers can experience the benefits offered by the 2009 SUV models through direct participation.”

Design majors who are interested in the decal design for the Actyon can participate in this event. Detailed information will be posted on the event website ( on Wednesday, August 13.


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