Ssangyong Motor

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Title SsangYong Motor holds a ceremony for the completion of construction for the expansion of the Daejeon Training Institute dormitory
Date 2008-07-21

- Dormitory expanded to accommodate 100 persons in 24 rooms, and practical training and lecture rooms expanded
- Aiming to improve repair skills by increasing training opportunities for small- to medium-sized partner companies
- Supplying repair personnel to partner companies by providing training aimed at developing job skills

SsangYong Motor (CEO and President Hyung-tak Choi; held on July 21 a ceremony for the completion of construction to expand the Daejeon Training Institute dormitory to provide training for the Small- to Medium-sized Company Job Training Consortium. The ceremony was held at a large lecture hall located at the Daejeon Training Institute.

The ceremony was attended by roughly 50 officials, including SsangYong Motor Vice President Wan-yong Chung in charge of production as well as officials with relevant authorities, including the Ministry of Labor, Human Resources Development Service of Korea, Anseong CCI, and Pyeongtaek CCI, and representatives of partner companies. It consisted of a tape-cutting ceremony, followed by a presentation of a plaque of appreciation and a plaque of merit to relevant organizations for their efforts during the construction period.

The SsangYong Motor Daejeon Training Institute was completed in September 1994. After remodeling of its lecture rooms in 2005, the training institute went through a remodeling process for its practical training room and dormitory in 2006. The construction project that ended today began in September 2007. Improvements have been made to the training environment, with the expansion of the practical training and lecture rooms as well as the dormitory to accommodate 100 persons in 24 rooms.

SsangYong Motor Vice President Wan-yong Chung took a look around the building and said, “Today is a meaningful day in that the SsangYong Motor Daejeon Training Institute is taking its first step towards providing quality training to partner companies based on a better training environment. Moving forward, SsangYong Motor will improve the skills of repair personnel of partner companies by offering a wide array of training programs, thereby making continuous efforts for mutual growth and development.”


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