Ssangyong Motor

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Title Typhoon Racing, a motorsports team officially sponsored by SsangYong Motor, participates in the Seoul Auto Salon 2008
Date 2008-07-10

- World-renowned cars, super tuning cars, as well as the New Kyron, Actyon, and Actyon Sports will be exhibited
- SsangYong Motor has been sponsoring the Typhoon Racing Team since August 2007 to promote motorsports

SsangYong Motor (CEO and President Hyung-tak Choi; announced on July 9 that the Typhoon Racing Team, which it officially sponsors, will be participating in the Seoul Auto Salon 2008, based on support from SsangYong Motor. The Seoul Auto Salon, which is celebrating its sixth anniversary this year, is Korea’s largest automobile aftermarket and tuning industry exhibition.  

This event will be held at COEX in Samseong-dong, Seoul for four days from Thursday, July 10 to Sunday, July 13. The exhibition is anticipated to feature globally renowned cars and super cars as well as unique tuning cars that reflect creative ideas and characteristics.

SsangYong Motor plans to provide a broad array of support to ensure the smooth participation by the Typhoon Racing Team. SsangYong Motor has been officially sponsoring the Typhoon Racing Team since August 2007 in order to develop the motorsports field, which challenges itself to overcome limitations in automobile technologies, and to improve the image and technologies of the company.
The New Kyron, Actyon, and Actyon Sports that went through a tuning process to be used in races will be exhibited at the Typhoon Racing Team booth. Visitors to the booth will be given a small gift as well as an opportunity to test drive and learn more about SsangYong Motor vehicles.

Managing Director Geun-tak Kim in charge of global marketing at SsangYong Motor said, “We are expecting to give visitors a new experience by featuring SsangYong Motor vehicles with a highly tuned performance and an innovative design.”


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