Ssangyong Motor

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Title SsangYong Motor Holds an Event to Deliver the First 'Chairman W'
Date 2008-03-05

- Delivered the first Chairman W to CEO Chul-Soon Park of Suntronix, a company specializing in the optical film business
- Concluded contracts for approximately 3,000 units of the Chairman W during 19 business days from February 4 … Successfully established itself in the high-class sedan market

SsangYong Motor (CEO and President Hyung-Tak Choi; delivered the first 'Chairman W', Korea's top prestigious vehicle for CEOs, to CEO Chul-Soon Park of Suntronix, a company specializing in the power supply module and TFT-LCD BLU optical film business on May 5 and fully launched the issuance of vehicles from the warehouse. 

At the Daechi dealership in Gangnam on May 5, SsangYong delivered the first 'Chairman W' to CEO Chul-Soon Park and also presented a memorial tablet. The event was participated by Vice President Wan-Yong Chung, the head of Production(General HQ), and other company officials.

CEO Chul-Soon Park said, "I am honored to be the first person to receive Korea's top-class sedan that is competing head on with world-leading prestigious vehicles. I thank SsangYong Motor for producing a comfortable and safe vehicle for Korean CEOs."

Vice President Wan-Yong Chung of SsangYong Motor, who attended the event, said, "We released a large domestic premium sedan that can strongly compete with the world's prestigious vehicles. We will continue to release products that are outstanding in both quality and performance and take a leading role in satisfying customers."

SsangYong Motor started pre-order sales for the 'Chairman W' on February 4. As of March 5, only 19 business days later, SsangYong Motor has concluded contracts for approximately 3,000 units of the Chairman W. The assessment is that SsangYong Motor has succeeded in gaining popularity right after the release of the vehicle.

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