Title | Korando Jeep Boasts Longest Production Life at 27 Years |
Date | 2006-07-01 |
Ssangyong Motor's Korando, a jeep-style vehicle, has been produced and marketed longer than
any other Korean vehicle, acccording to a report titled " The Korea Automobile Industry 2006." compiled
by the Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association(KAMA). The country's fourth-largest automaker sold
the three-door, four-wheel drive model over a span of 26 years and eight months - from November 1969 to
July 1996. The name Korando was coined from combining the first three and last two letters from the motto
"Korea can do." After the limelight years of the old Korando, the New Korando took the baton from its
predecessor to carry on the tradition of Ssangyong's jeep-style sport utility vehicle(SUV).
Korea has exported a total of 25.3 million units since 1967 when Ha Dong-hwan Motor, the country's first
automobile exporter, shipped large buses to Vietnam. Ha Dong-hwn Motor later became Ssangyong Motor.
- Source from the Korea Herald (Jul 1st, 2006)
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